Which "Bad Mom" Are You?

We might not be taking our parenting cues from Betty Draper, but we all have our shortcomings. Maybe that's why we laughed out loud at this Roz Chast cartoon from The New Yorker. Can you think of a few other "Bad Mom"cards?

We could add: Swears when caught in heavy traffic, even though the kids are in the car. Forgets to ask how the weekly spelling test went, every week. Says, "Fine, you can skip your bath, again. Its only been a few days... I think."


Anonymous said...

i feel most like Lucy although i could probably be any of the above.

Anonymous said...

what about: #42 Franny K. Just doesn't always remember the sun screen And doesn't always care.

Capability said...

I love Roz Chast! Love all the bad moms! (I am #35 - Martina F.)

Shelagh said...

I have been all of these. A friend had a T-shirt made up with these cartoons and we would take turns wearing it when our children told us we were "bad moms." I'm going to pass it onto my daughter.

Anonymous said...

#61 - Deborah Z. Unabashedly. Why on earth would anyone make Play-Doh when they can buy it???

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