Mutton Dressed as Lamb

She isn’t modern. She isn’t new. But she is ridiculous. Like some 16th Century tragicomedy you will see her sauntering down the street. Leggings, bolero jacket, heels, enormous bag, long honey hair, big sunglasses. You name it, she has it going on and often so does the fourteen year old with her. She, of course, is a woman of a certain age, dressed like a teenager and the teenager by her side is not her BFF but her daughter. It is almost as if the elder and younger fashion victims have averaged their ages and decided to dress to the mean. Often the look is too sophisticated for the younger and truly ridiculous on the elder. The well mannered modern mother knows how to be attractive at her age and how to help her daughter make appropriate wardrobe choices. By no means should the modern mother look frumpy or feel relegated to shopping in Talbot’s. Nor should she rush out and buy a pair of Not Your Daughter’s Jeans (although we applaud their effort in the fight against muffin tops). She should realize that after about 40 chic is much sexier than slinky and life experience and confidence combined with a slightly longer hem line will make her elegant and alluring.


Allison said...

Do not denigrate Not Your Daughter's Jeans! They are amazing! I regularly feature them on and love the way they allow you sit on the floor and play with your children without revealing the fabulous pair of Hanky Panky lace thongs you happen to be sporting.

But, agreed -- much of my work in individual consultations is helping women to evolve their look into an elegant, sophisticated style vs. what looked cute in college or high school.

After all, didn't we all want to grow up and be sophisticated when we were in high school? Now's our chance!

Alex Dumortier said...

Excellent! You really nailed it with the leggings and the bolero jacket -- that is the classic outfit of the woman who is unwilling to accept her age and dress accordingly. Chanel sunglasses are the preferred brand to complement this look.

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